Duck Wong New Chinese Restaurant in Bensonhurst

Duck Wong New Chinese Restaurant in Bensonhurst

Enjoy a meal at Duck Wong new Chinese restaurant in Bensonhurst. The restaurant located at 2341 86th Street in Brooklyn offers dine in, wait staff and take out services. The Dong Wong’s menu include a number of dishes such as Wonton Noodle Soup, Beef Triple Noodle Soup, Sesame Baby Octopus, a highly recommended Duck Wong hot and sour soup.

The restaurant also serves a number of specialities such as Salt Pepper Fried Tofu, Kyoto Ribs, Sesame Chicken, Teriyaki Wings, Plain Wonton Soup, the fabulous Seafood Curry Noodle and the Gomuku Shrimp Fried Rice.

Duck Wong New Chinese restaurant in Bensonhurst has lots of more options of dishes to choose from and is open all seven days of the week from 11 AM to 10 PM. The Duck Wong restaurant has large and spacious seating for its customers and offers them with wooden chairs and tables to dine in.

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