Village Maria: Pizzeria: Calamari Slice

The Calamari Slice. Of Village Maria.

A Staff member of whereyoueat media company has been stopping by Village Maria and kept trying the calamari slice to see how consiistant they are.  Here is the details: This slice is always available.  We rate it Five Full Stars under the regular review.  We are putting five stars under this review.  This is by far the best slice of pizza “Specialty” That we have ever tasted, everybody from the Whereyoueat State Island crew (6 Employees) have tried this slice and hands down agree it is the best tasting consistent slice on Staten Island. 

What we mean by Consistent: Many pizzerias have a wonderful slice available at a time, we try it, a few times it is good, a few times it is better, a few other times it is not there, not available, not as good.  This pizzeria wins as it is always available, latest creation.  Out of 57 Pizzerias tested, nobody else had a readily available calamari slice on hand with no wait (Other then the 2 minutes to warm up). 

Whats Next: This restaurant will be presented with a WhereYouEat Award for the calamari slice.�
Future Prizes: We have not seen a Shrimp slice or Lobster Slice yet? Do you know a pizzeria that makes this specialty? If so please type a comment in this blog, we will try it for one week straight, then everybody tries it and we will possibly add it to a Whereyoueat Review!!

For Now: Enjoy the Calamari Slice found at Village Maria, Nelson Avenue, Great Kills, Staten island, New York, 10308

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