Celebrate the Grand Opening of Tubeteyka in Brooklyn, New York. Diners will enjoy delicious dishes of beef sautéed with onions, succulent lamb and fresh Caesar salads. The restaurant serves entrées of fish, chicken and steaks. Wet your palate with kazan Kabob, Dolma, and Salmon steak and drink Kompot. The restaurant is located in one of Brooklyn’s favorite areas. The family oriented community is easy to find with street parking.
Why worry about cooking gourmet dishes at home when Tubeteyka is open in Brooklyn, New York. This great eatery has lunch specials for $8.50. Diners can eat every day at a price they can afford. For customer convenience, Tubeteyka will deliver orders over $20. Call, order and eat hopefully delicious meals at home or order food for the whole office. Hot entrees and scrumptious side dishes are only a phone call away, if you do not want to go out for the evening. Invite friends, have a party and let our restaurant supply the food. Simply enjoy your guests.
Click here to view the complete menu for Tubeteyka located in Bensonhurst Brooklyn