Cafe Dushanbe in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn

Cafe Dushanbe

New Russian Cafe opens up it in Brooklyn. Cafe Dushanbe in Sheepshead Bay offers Free WiFi, Delivery, Take out and Dine in service. The menu includes a wide range of food items such as Salads, Soups, Fish Appetizers, Cold Appetizers, Meat dishes, BBQ, and more!

The cafe serves Drinks such as Cranberry, Homemade Fruit Punch, Dushes, Green/Black Tea, Espresso, Mineral Water, etc. Enjoy the delicious desserts like Chocolate Cake, Coconut Cheesecake, Donuts, Fruit Platter, and more!

Cafe Dushanbe in Sheepshead Bay accepts all major cards. The restaurant offers Free Delivery on minimum order of $25. The cafe provides stylish chairs and tables for dine in service. Enjoy Russian cuisine on all the 7 days of the week from 11 AM – 10 PM.

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