Leona Cafe! Bay Street.

As everyone reading this blog already knows why we are slow with updating. (We are renovating and expanding operations) and will be on track very shortly.

Well anyways here it goes: Leona a Bakery Pizzeria, has  homely atmosphere with couches that look straight from the house, nice and soft and small little T.V. For some reason I would think this can’t possibly work in a restaurant but when I have seen it I was impressed.  It felt sort of like a living room.  The Bar to the inner doors with a bakery stand further, The Bar is not an alcohol Bar, but would probably fit very nice over there and make the place much more then it is.   This place featured outdoor dining on the Bay Street Strip, Litterly a one road down from the “Big Famous, WhereYouEat Sign” located on Tomkins and Fingerboard at the gogos deli.  Worth a stop by, too bad the summer is over and it’s getting a bit colder…. (Menu Coming by Tuesday)

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